2022 Annual Day Participation Form

We are now accepting participation forms for the 2022 IAGS Annual Day Event, which will be held on December 10, 2022. All children and adults are welcome to submit their forms as per the guidelines outlined below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email.

  1. All participants must be current members. New or renewing members can fill in the online membership form by going to the “Join Us!” page. The online participation form (see below) must be submitted by September 15, 2022.
  2. Practices will start around end of September. Choreographers and Volunteer parents will make best efforts to come up with a practice schedule; their decisions will be final. Parents are responsible for
    their children’s regular attendance in and transportation to practices. A participant can miss a maximum of two practices. Participant must attend dance rehearsal the week of the event (exact date will be announced at a later time).
  3. Parents agree to pay for participant’s costume whether rental or purchase.
  4. Decisions regarding entire program, grouping for performances, and related decisions will be made by IAGS Adult Committee and its appointed sub-committees.
  5. Adult participants: On the form, in the Participant section fill out your name, age (make one up if you like, just has to be over 18) and gender, for Grade type NA. Then in the Parent/Guardian section fill out your information in the Name, Email, and Cell Phone fields, followed by the Volunteering section and then click SUBMIT.


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